Review Policy

Purpose and Scope 💓

The purpose of this review policy is to explain the purpose, process, and criteria for reviewing books on my blog. I review books because I love reading and sharing my thoughts and opinions on the books that I read, and because I want to connect with other book lovers around the world. I review books for myself, for my readers, and for the authors and publishers who provide me with the books.

I review books that are relevant and interesting to me and my readers, and that fit the theme and genre of my blog. I review books that are published or soon-to-be-published, and that are available in print or digital format. I review books that are written in English or translated into English.

I review books as often as I can, depending on my availability and schedule. I usually review one or two books per week, and I try to post my reviews within a month of receiving or reading the book. I review books in the order that I receive or request them, unless there is a specific deadline or agreement.


Criteria and Standards💓

The criteria and standards for my review policy are based on my personal preferences and expectations, as well as on the general quality and originality of the books. I review books based on how much I enjoyed them, how well they were written, and how original they were. I also review books based on their genre, category, theme, plot, characters, setting, style, tone, and message.

I use a five-star rating system to rate the books that I review, Sometimes, half-star ratings are also used to provide more granularityas follows:

  • 1 star: The book is very poorly written, boring, confusing, or offensive. It has many factual errors, grammatical mistakes, plot holes, or inconsistencies. The book is a waste of time and money and should be avoided at all costs.
  • 1.5 stars: The book is slightly better than 1 star, but still has many flaws and problems. It may have some redeeming qualities, such as an interesting premise, a few good characters, or some original ideas, but they are overshadowed by the negative aspects. The book is not recommended unless there is no other option.
  • 2 stars: The book is mediocre, bland, or average. It does not stand out in any way, either positively or negatively. It may have some good parts and some bad parts, but they cancel each other out. The book is not very memorable or engaging and may be easily forgotten. The book is suitable for casual reading or passing time, but not for serious study or enjoyment.
  • 2.5 stars: The book is slightly better than 2 stars, but still not very impressive. It may have some potential, but it is not fully realized or developed. It may have some interesting aspects, but they are not explored or explained well. The book is not bad, but not great either. The book may appeal to some readers, but not to others.
  • 3 stars: The book is good, decent, or satisfactory. It has more positive than negative qualities, but it is not exceptional or outstanding. It may have some flaws or weaknesses, but they are not very noticeable or significant. The book is enjoyable and entertaining, but not very inspiring or thought-provoking. The book is worth reading, but not rereading.
  • 3.5 stars: The book is better than 3 stars, but not quite 4 stars. It has some elements that are very good, but not enough to make it excellent. It may have some minor issues or drawbacks, but they are not very detrimental or annoying. The book is interesting and fun, but not very original or innovative. The book is recommended, but not highly praised.
  • 4 stars: The book is very good, impressive, or remarkable. It has many positive qualities and few negative ones. It may have some minor flaws or limitations, but they are easily overlooked or forgiven. The book is engaging and captivating, but not very challenging or complex. The book is worth reading and rereading, but not studying or analyzing.
  • 4.5 stars: The book is better than 4 stars, but not quite 5 stars. It has some elements that are excellent, but not enough to make it perfect. It may have some slight imperfections or shortcomings, but they are hardly noticeable or relevant. The book is fascinating and thrilling, but not very profound or sophisticated. The book is highly recommended, but not widely acclaimed.
  • 5 stars: The book is excellent, amazing, or flawless. It has no negative qualities and many positive ones. It has no flaws or limitations and exceeds all expectations. The book is compelling and captivating, but also challenging and complex. The book is worth reading, rereading, studying, and analyzing. The book is a masterpiece and a must-read.

I write honest and detailed reviews of the books that I read, and I express my opinions and feelings in a clear and respectful manner. I also provide a summary and a synopsis of the book, as well as some information about the author and the publisher. I include some quotes and images from the book, if applicable. I also disclose any affiliation or sponsorship related to the book or the review, such as receiving a free copy of the book or being paid for the review.


Process and Procedures💓

The process and procedures for my review policy are as follows:

  • I select the books to review based on my interest, availability, and request from the author or publisher. I also consider the genre, category, theme, and popularity of the book, as well as the feedback and suggestions from my readers.
  • I obtain the books either by buying them, borrowing them, or receiving them for free from the author, publisher, or other sources. I prefer to receive books in print format, but I also accept books in digital format, such as e-books or audiobooks. I do not accept books in PDF format.
  • I read and analyze the books according to the criteria and standards mentioned above. I take notes and highlight the parts that I like or dislike, as well as the parts that I want to quote or comment on. I also do some research on the book, the author, and the publisher, if necessary.
  • I write and publish the reviews on my blog, as well as on other platforms, such as Goodreads, Fable, my Blog. I use the format, style, and tone that are consistent with my blog and my personality. I also use the ratings, scales, and systems that are compatible with the platforms that I use. I also link the reviews to the book’s page, the author’s page, and the publisher’s page, if available.
  • I communicate and collaborate with the authors, publishers, and other stakeholders who are involved in the review process. I inform them when I receive, read, and review the book, and I send them a link to my review. I also respond to their comments, questions, or feedback, and I thank them for their cooperation and support.


Details and Specifics💓

The details and specifics for my review policy are as follows:

  • I accept or decline books for review based on the following genres, categories, and themes:

    • I accept books from the following genres: romance, contemporary, fantasy, horror, thriller, mystery, and  young adult, new adult, and Adult.
    • I decline books from the following genres: non-fiction, Science Fiction.
    • I accept books from the following categories: fiction, novels, novellas, short stories, and Graphic Novels.
    • I decline books from the following categories: poetry, comics, anthologies and memoirs
    • I accept books from the following themes: diversity, feminism, mental health, and social issues.
    • I decline books from the following themes: racism, sexism, homophobia, and religion.
    • I also decline physical books with real or naked people on the cover. I only accept  such books in eBook format.
  • I use the following platforms, tools, and methods for reviewing:

    • I use as my blogging platform, and I use the Editor to write and edit my posts.
    • I use Canva to create and edit images for my blog, such as banners, headers, and logos.
    • I use Grammarly to check and correct my grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
    • I use Google Docs to write and save my drafts, notes, and outlines.
    • I use Goodreads, Fable, and TikTok to post and share my reviews, as well as to find and request books.
  • I use the following ratings, scales, and systems for evaluating:

    • I use a five-star rating system to rate the books that I review, as explained above.
    • I use a percentage scale to indicate how much of the book I have read, such as 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100%.
    • I use a color-coded system to indicate the status of the book, such as green for finished, yellow for currently reading, or red for to be read.
  • I follow the following policies, rules, and ethics for reviewing:

    • I respect the intellectual property and the rights of the authors and publishers, and I do not copy, plagiarize, or distribute their work without their permission.
    • I respect the opinions and the feelings of the readers and the reviewers, and I do not insult, harass, or bully them for their views or preferences.
    • I respect the privacy and the security of the authors, publishers, and readers, and I do not share or disclose their personal or confidential information without their consent.
    • I respect the integrity and the honesty of the review process, and I do not accept or offer any bribes, incentives, or favors for positive or negative reviews.



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